面 积:3,844 m2
项目地:Oliebladsgade 8, 2300 哥本哈根,丹麦
该项目是为神经病患及老人新建的 45 户照顾护士公寓,包括有单间及双人套间、 公共设施、效劳区域和一个运动中央。
修建长条形的平面一端是走道,另外一端是主要功效体量,从而形成了奇异的 沿街立面。室外的下沉庭院与一个较低的平台相连,同时也联通着住民运动中 心,厨房以及其他的效劳设施。
除了地下室,该晚年公寓总共有 6 层,包括了一个加建的顶层阁楼公寓,垂 直交通上配备了晚年人使用电梯。地下室上层的平台同时也充当着停车场、花 园清静台区域的功效。阁楼楼顶附带有屋顶花园和运动区域。
The apartments are accessed from a series of common walkways to one side, forming a single mass to the streetfacade.
There is a series of sunken courtyards, accessed from a lower level, which houses the residents activity centre, production kitchen, along with other common services.
Above the raised basement level, there will be apartments in 6 storey along Oliebladsgade and Reberbanegade, together with a recessed penthouse level.
The apartments are accessed from external covered accessways, with stairs and elevators. Above the raised basement, which also includes parking facilities, there will be a generous common garden and terraced area.
The roof of the penthouse will also serve as a common roof terrace and social space.